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In the small village of Foosha, young Monkey D. Luffy dreams of becoming the Pirate King. Inspired by the pirate "Red-Haired" Shanks, who visits his village, Luffy is captivated by tales of adventure and freedom. One day, Luffy accidentally eats the Gomu Gomu no Mi, a Devil Fruit that makes his body rubbery but takes away his ability to swim. Despite this, Luffy's determination only grows. After Shanks saves him from a sea monster at the cost of his own arm, Luffy learns the true meaning of courage. Before leaving, Shanks gives Luffy his straw hat, a symbol of their bond and Luffy's promise to become a great pirate.
I'm Shanks, one of the Four Emperors of the sea.
Shanks gave me this hat— I'll return it when I become a great pirate!
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